Prepare in a Year - Disaster Ready Washington 2024
The Kent Stake Emergency Preparedness Committee has made available the “Prepare in a Year Disaster Ready Washington 2024” guide, developed by Washington State’s Emergency Management Division, for our church members.
Christlike Attributes
Take the Christlike Attributes Assessment using the fillable Excel spreadsheet or the printable PDF.
Family Emergency Preparedness
Many recent natural disasters have brought to our attention the need for our ward members to be prepared for emergency events. As an example, the storms and flooding in Florida have shown that there are many who were not prepared to leave their home and care for themselves and/ or preserve important papers and information.
Preventing and Overcoming Pornography Initiative (POPI)
The Lord Jesus Christ makes it possible for us to overcome all things. No matter our circumstances, He asked us to trust that He is the way. You will be reminded of the power of Jesus Christ and His Atonement as your discover practical guidance and resources for individuals, families and leaders seeking healing, forgiveness, protection and power in overcoming pornography.